At our practice, we believe your body has a remarkable ability to heal itself, but sometimes underlying issues challenge this natural process.

While traditional manual therapies focus mainly on the body’s structural components of muscles and bones, Osteopathy takes it further. Our skilled practitioners address the body’s mechanics on a deeper level, considering the intricate interplay of tissues, fluids, and your nervous system.

We become partners, delving into your body's unique story – the not-so silent language of pain; your coping mechanisms; and the triggers that set you back. Through this personalized approach, we can identify new patterns and solutions that can lead to lasting physical changes, addressing both specific concerns and overall well-being.

Osteopathy can be your next step in restoring health.

Osteopathy is a form of alternative medicine that implores a gentle hands-on approach.

We aim to help you get behind your symptoms to restore your body's natural balance, allowing your symptoms to fade. 

Osteopathy is a philosophy that encompasses more than just a method or technique; it is an approach to health that considers the interconnectedness of You —there is no protocol.

Our aim is to empower you to achieve long-term well-being.

Your body is a self-regulating ecosystem, with all its ‘parts’ working together seamlessly.

As Osteopathic Manual Practitioners, we understand this interconnectedness deeply, and we want to help you to understand this as well

With each session, our thorough assessments guide your treatment. We won’t focus solely on your area of pain, instead your treatment is personalized, to address the fundamental issues contributing to your symptoms.

BScPT, D.O.M.P, BKin

Registered Physiotherapist, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, Pelvic Health PT

Marjorie Walker

Thomas Smith

D.O.M.P, BScKin

Osteopathic Manual Practitioner Kinesiology

Treatment Room Rentals

Full time + Part time Room rentals available for an Osteopathic Manual Therapist or other holistic practitioner. (Picture above: view from the treatment rooms)

Sky Train Access:

  • 10 minutes walk from Broadway City Station.

  • Upon Completion of the Broadway Subway in 2026: office will be across the street from the Oak/VGH stop.

On the 99 B line Bus Route

Parking Map PDF



What are you looking for?

Unsure if Osteopathy is the right fit, click here to find out more about our approach and what common health conditions Osteopathy may help with.

nnecti ng you with us


Book online

Booking online through our Jane App is straightforward. Then fill out the intake form as detailed as you can as this will help your Practitioner gain a thorough understanding of how they can help.


Initial Consultation

An informative interview starts your Osteopathic Journey, followed by a comprehensive hands-on assessment and treatment. Your practitioner will guide you through the process, tailoring their approach to your evolving needs. See FAQ for more info.

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